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2022 Gali Satta Record Chart and Gali Satta Online Result 2022

We provide Gali satta online record chart, here you can view detailed online satta record chart of Gali Satta King 2022. This is chart is from trustworthy sources of Gali Satta office . We promise to provide you fast Gali satta results and Gali Satta record charts along with many other online Satta games.

Are you interested in viewing 2022 genuine, fast and detailed Gali Satta Record Chart?

You're absolutely right. We pride ourselves on being the most accurate provider of 2022 Gali Satta record charts. All our records come online directly from the Gali Satta office . When it comes to verified record charts for the year 2022 Gali Satta game, is the most trusted website.

You can trust us to give you accurate Gali Satta record charts straight from the company. At, we always make sure you get reliable information about the Gali Satta game. You can count on us for honesty and clear updates every time.

Date Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 22 29 93 16 14 89 63 13 32
2 62 12 59 77 52 56 85 04 79
3 01 99 47 19 27 75 78 03 94
4 81 63 33 18 65 02 03 47 27 74
5 04 30 53 12 67 12 70 45 04 31
6 16 40 72 96 94 25 95 50 42 84
7 57 40 68 66 90 55 67 73 69 19
8 30 48 09 55 51 24 02 28 38 68
9 91 42 69 42 90 50 93 78 90 24
10 05 43 19 80 98 44 33 20 02 13
11 98 28 42 47 87 06 82 19 60 62
12 64 57 03 66 91 18 82 18 05 91
13 14 53 82 69 83 82 90 58 84 15
14 72 22 50 50 93 00 31 83 74
15 57 93 54 54 37 92 75 95 76 84
16 85 17 22 83 50 85 62 94 04 33
17 27 55 43 80 46 26 04 57 15 00
18 80 20 56 57 83 89 68 16 23 20
19 16 63 86 95 07 89 85 42 95 54
20 01 91 48 53 44 42 70 96 90 65
21 01 63 00 37 48 74 34 20 33 29
22 08 28 43 56 86 03 36 80 69
23 61 13 72 90 14 95 48 27 84 61
24 54 02 84 15 76 45 30 95 66
25 26 94 50 30 92 06 36 04 49
26 23 83 06 15 91 46 94 43 24 97
27 52 .. 24 03 33 06 28 39 45 41
28 73 63 54 00 80 27 58 15 73
29 81 42 53 76 63 43 32 76 37 73
30 47 26 70 53 72 64

We're here to ensure you have the most trustworthy insights into the Gali Satta game.